The beach of Punta Corvo is the most extended between those that were formed in the creeks of the coast that goes to Tellaro, and surely it’s the most beautiful and saw thatis been inserted in the 11 list of most beaches beautiful of Italy . A prize awarded by the Legambiente in a ceremony held in Summer of 2003.
The few beaches that dot the coastline and high cliffs of Monte Marcello and Lerici, were created by landslides in the sea who downloaded large quantities of material processed later by the waves . They are small beaches reachable only by sea or by steep paths and for this reason very popular because quiet and uncrowded . Characteristic is the wide beach of Punta Corvo (so named because it is more extended than the other beaches) , consisting of a dark gray coarse sand produced by the disintegration of the surrounding rocks which are precisely of this color . The sea is so clear that a few meters from the shore you can see the deep rocky bottom .
The small beach still has a wild look , thanks to the not easily accessible: to reach it one must descend a steep trail with hundreds of natural steps overlooking the sea .
Distance: 20 Km